International House of Mashruteh |
The ideal of a great civilization was first stated by the Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Aria Mehr. He is the great man in the history of Iran who for thirty-seven years wished nothing but the greatness and glory of Iran and the Iranian people.
In the book of the great civilization of the emperor, he describes a form of government, which is generally referred to as a "welfare state". A welfare state takes care of the economic and social welfare of its citizens. The welfare state invests in public health and education organizations, as well as provids economic and social benefits to citizens, such as scholarships for students and free school meals. The first welfare state in modern industrial society was introduced by Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister of Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany.
Ariamehr, the Shah of Iran, writes in his book "Towards a Great Civilization":
"Bringing the Iranian nation to the era of great civilization is my highest desire and the leadership of my country in this way is the most basic task that I consider myself responsible for the fate of this country. I firmly believe that the Iranian nation is now taking steps to achieve the goal in the right and safe path, and what is necessary for its victory is that on the one hand, there is no deviation in this path, and on the other hand, the rhythm of it does not slow down or interrupt.
The goal I have set for my nation is undoubtedly a very ambitious goal. But it is not a goal that is impossible to achieve for the Iranian nation, with abundant material and spiritual resources and with the rich spiritual and moral capital of this nation. The record of several thousand years of Iranian history and civilization and the creative genius that has been evident from the first page of this record until today, is a clear proof of the correct belief that if this creative force is used together with firm will and perseverance, the prosperity of the Iranian nation will be a historical must."
Aryamehr writes about the prospects for Iran:
"In the era of the great civilization, there will be no trace of the ancient destructive and negative factors, namely poverty, ignorance, illiteracy, corruption, exploitation, discrimination and this like. The expansion of activities and health services will provide maximum health and strength of the body as much as knowledge and facilities allow for every Iranian, and generalization of education and knowledge of the same person from maximum mental health, again as far as facilities allow. Every Iranian in any individual and social circumstances, from birth to death, will be covered by various types of social insurances. Wages and incomes paid for decent work, which will exist for everyone, will be enough to cover all the expenses of the people sufficiently."
Many people's expenses will be alleviated with the help of the government. Education to a certain extent in general up to the highest academic and professional levels, under certain conditions will be free for all. The standard of living will be such that no Iranian will understand the meaning of hunger anymore, and yet the government will do it's duty to care for children and infants up to the age of two.
Every Iranian will have a suitable home. The living conditions of people will be healthy, clean and neat, and their cultural and spiritual environment will also be a pure and completely human.
The principle of participation will be the basis of efforts and programs. The farmer, worker, employer, student, government employee, intellectual, artist, and in general, every person from every class will enjoy their work on the basis of cooperation social and economic rights, constructive partnership, not enmity and confrontation.
The work of the people will be managed by the people as much as possible, and in each case public opinion and constructive guidance and criticism will pave the way for progress. Extensive political awareness is the result of extensive political education, which will complement the education in the broadest sense.
Cultural, artistic, and sports and recreational centers will be open to all, and facilities to satisfy intellectual needs such as libraries, museums, conference halls, theaters and music hall, and centers related to national and international cultures will be free for all Iranians.
There will be senior city centers for seniors who are single or want to live alone. Maximum facilities to foster talents will be available that any initiative and ingenuity can flourish in a healthy and constructive environment, not only for personal development, but also for the progress of the society.